

John Mwangi

My Journey with M_OliveS began way back in 2012 when I met Mary Kamore in a Mara Foundation Mentors – Mentee forum in Hotel Intercontinental Nairobi.  As a startup then I had many ideas flying all over and I needed someone to guide me into settling for a sustainable business model

John MwangiCEO & Founder - Porto - CEO & Founder - Daktari Media Africa LLC


For a very long time, I was running my business as a hobby and only accountable to me, myself and I. I often worked when work came by and that was it. I had no goals or vision for the business even though I had the needed technical skills for my Business my informal way of running it hindered my growth. That is until 2012 I met M_OliveS Mentors who took me through two years of structured mentorship. During this period of mentorship M_OliveS helped me to identify gaps in my businesses that were hindering my growth and we worked together in closing these gaps

AggyOwner & Founder - - CEO & Founder - Aggy’s pastries

Emily Litisi

My Mentoring journey with M_OliveS

The journey began when I first met Mary Kamore, the CEO of M_OliveS. She was introduced to me by a mutual friend because I had mentioned to him, that I wanted to get into mentorship though I didn’t know what exactly I wanted in mentoring. I had recently resigned from a job which I felt was not satisfactory and so when I was meeting Mary I was feeling frustrated

Emily LitisiOWNER - Ciku Litisi Diaries. - Ciku Litisi Diaries.

Bernard Kiiru

My name is Benard Kiiru and I am a Director at Mt Olive Merchandiser’s

Mt Olive was established in July 2017 with an aim of providing affordable goods to low income earners. We target the bottom of the pyramid with day to day goods and at a lower price in line with our principle ‘gain for all’ which means no customer exploitation. We also distribute goods schools and hotels.

Bernard KiiruOWNER - Mt-Olives