
Emily Litisi
OWNER:Ciku Litisi Diaries

My name is Emily Litisi or Ciku Litisi.

I own a Business by the name Ciku Litisi Diaries.

This is an online mentoring platform where I try to reach out, mainly to the youth, and share my experiences or other people’s experiences to help them learn from both our achievements and our mistakes and hence make better life decisions.

My Mentoring journey with M_OliveS

The journey began when I first met Mary Kamore, the CEO of M_OliveS. She was introduced to me by a mutual friend because I had mentioned to him, that I wanted to get into mentorship though I didn’t know what exactly I wanted in mentoring. I had recently resigned from a job which I felt was not satisfactory and so when I was meeting Mary I was feeling frustrated.

Mary was warm enough to welcome me into her life, even without having any prior knowledge of me. She listened to me and after our first encounter; we agreed to be meeting once every fortnight. Though at this point I wasn’t sure I was going to make any progress I was very passionate about mentorship. I felt the need to reach out to those who were younger than I was and hold their hand. I had not had such a person in my life before but I found that in Mary. She did not only hold my hand, she also gave me a chance to experience mentorship by working with her on some of the mentorship projects that M_OliveS was handling. This turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. While doing that, I tried to continue doing some mentorship on my own. I visited a few secondary schools to mentor high schoolers before deciding take my mentorship online. I started a blog where I share my own experiences and those of others as a way of mentoring the readers. My blog has grown and I now run a website cikulitisi.com where I still continue to do the same. Any post I write reaches about 500 people and I am confident that these numbers will keep growing. There are always people reaching out to me telling me that my stories inspire them and also seek advice and help in other matters. Through the same platform, other people also get to share their experiences with the aim of helping others.

Mentoring is empowering. From my experience I would advise everyone and especially the youth to get a mentor who will guide and help them achieve their lives goals. For me joining the M_OliveS family was a great blessing.


My website address is: https://cikulitisi.com/