Anything can change!

Anything can change!

“Anything can change, Mary, anything and I mean anything!” These were the words my friend, Ann, told me this week when we were discussing how quickly things are changing, making it nearly impossible to catch up with the speed of change. What once seemed strong, dependable and immovable has been shaken to the core. We are experiencing a never imagined change in all aspects of our lives; the way we work, do Business, forge relationships, run Governments, run churches & other religious entities, deliver essential services like health and education, etc.  Yes, my friend is right, ‘Anything can change!

I got to ask myself; What does it mean to be a leader at a time like now? Be it a Business leader, company leader, church leader or a Government leader- my guess is there is nothing in your leadership past that is quite like the current COVID-19 pandemic. So, just how do you navigate this pandemic as a leader?

In the Old Testament, Exodus 14, the story of Moses at the Red Sea is one of great drama. The people are caught between the charging armies of the Egyptians on one side and the feared depths of the sea on the other. Yet, still God provides a way through – not by withdrawing either threat but calling Moses to lead his people into the very heart of the chaos of the sea. The walk across the Red Sea, surrounded on both sides by the water, must have been a terrifying place. The temptation to lose faith as individuals, and a group, and take the chance of facing the known threat of the army must have always been in the minds of the people.

I see three key factors (apart from fear) that kept the group from turning back: the clear vision from their leaders, the presence of their leaders with them and the sense of being a community on the move together. Note the focus of the leaders was on leading ‘through’, not ‘into’. It is therefore essential that as a leader you work hard at both visioning, presence and care.

At times like this everyone is stressed, and it is vital that as a leader you come up with simple clear strategies of how your organization may not just hold together, but move forward to a new future through this catastrophic event.  In the case of Moses the the practices of leadership that helped most in the situation were: their faith, vision, support for people-acknowledging they are in a place of fear and not thinking they can do it all alone-working with the people

There are many ways your situation is not like the Red Sea, but I hope this provides you a chance to reflect on your own experiences. We are all going to be changed by this experience, but we will also need to acknowledge that our security can only be assured by faith, not in the clarity of what is going to happen next but rather in the one who says “Follow me” into the messy reality of life and “I will be with you always.”

My prayers are with all who have accepted the responsibility of leadership in these difficult times; You will overcome!

To all of us remember the words of my friend; Anything, anything, can change!

Mary Kamore is the Lead Consultant MoliveS Mentors

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Comments (2)

  • Symon Reply

    Thanks alot for the inspiring message. You have Captured it very well.

    May 29, 2020 at 5:28 pm
  • Symon Reply

    Very inspiring, powerful!

    May 29, 2020 at 5:39 pm

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